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Summary of Question:Nitname
Date Posted:Monday, 12/06/2004 12:17 PM MST


i love to do nitname but would like to get some guidance.

first is that when is the right time to do Japji sahib as some days i get up late and what is the best time to do rehraas sahib as some days i work till late and go to bed aroud mid night, is it ok to do kirtan sohila around mid night.

second , i eat meat on some days during the day and that day when i do rehraas sahib, i donot feel good and feels as if i am doing wrong. is it ok to eat meat and do path. please guide me and forgive me if i have said something wrong.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I'm going to be blunt. Stop eating meat. It is disturbing your mind. Your higher consciousness is telling you by making you feel bad. Pay attention! Ideally we recite Japji Sahib before sunrise, Rehiras at sunset, and Kirtan Sohila just before bed at night. If your schedule does not permit these exact times, then just do the best you can. Recite Japji when you wake up (along with the other morning banis) etc. SP

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