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Summary of Question:Is There Any Paath I Can Do For My 10 Year Old Son Who Suffers From Migraines?
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/28/2005 8:01 PM MDT

I did research on migraines and I was not able to find if there is any paath I can do for my 10 year old son who suffers from migraines. He gets them 2-3 times a week sometimes. I have tried everything even homopethic medicine. Its hard to see him like this..Its affects with his daily activities. Please let me know if there is any paath I can do for him. Thank you very much in advance.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It is truly hard to see a child suffering. Two things I might suggest. When my son needed prayer, I chanted for one hour every morning before sunrise, 'EK ONG KAR SAT NAM SIRI WAHE GURU' He was rescued from a very bad situation, This is a powerful mantra, and while I was chanting, I thought aabout the meaning of the syllables, and formed a prayer at the same time for his health and well being. It definitely worked. And I also believe it was the grace of Guru Ram Das who helped protect him.-- Also, there is a simple exercise that has been known to alleviate migraines -- not that I'm making any medical claims! But, one of my students reported that it worked for him. This is how it's done. Lying flat on the back, spread legs apart comfortably, and begin with arms stretched overhead then inhale deeply and sit up and touch the toes, then exhale and lie back down again. Legs stay on the ground. Do this a few times, and if practiced every day, build up the number of repetitions gradually. I had heard that Migraines are a symptom that three of the four parts of the brain are malfunctioning. This may be simply a matter of getting adquate circulation. Anyway, it's worth a try. May God and Guru bless you and your son. SP

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Is There Any Paath I Can Do For My 10 Year Old Son Who Suffers From Migraines? (04/28/2005)
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