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Summary of Question:Facial Hair On Women
Date Posted:Saturday, 5/19/2007 5:01 AM MDT

Vjkk Vjkf

Dear Sikhnet, your responses for hair removal are aweful!Your westernization really shows here.

To all ladies....its is natural for ladies to have a small layer of facial hair over their face. On white or light coloured ladies it can be seen when the sun shines on the face but on asians it naturally stands out. MOst girls who come into sikhi have been threading, shapping, even shaving hair on their faces so hair WILL be more excessive. The fact is however it is not OK for a lady to remove her hair so she feels comfortable if the hair is natural. That would mean cosmetic surgery is ok because maybe when you were smaller ur nose got mishaped or your eyes became lazy or due to stress you aged quickly. There is no excuse to alter anything unless its a medial condition that had triggered this.

some men have small beared some have huge beards, some women have no hair on their legs naturally and some have thick hair. It is accepted that woman do not have beards however facial hair on a womans face does not class as a beard and NOBODY can say women are supposed to be hairless! Be it genetics or Gods will millions of women have facial hair of all degrees and who are we to set standards of what is the right amount or not.

You are correct.

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Facial Hair On Women (05/19/2007)
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