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Summary of Question:Always Worrying
Date Posted:Monday, 11/15/2004 12:25 PM MST


I just wondering if you could help me. I always seem to worry alot and have a over consious mind if u get what i mean. I worry about about mistakes that i made in the past and think about them in so much depth and think things that i know didnt even happen. I dnt know whats happening to me, i hate feeling like this.

I feel so scared that i have so much to answer for when i go to waheguru.

Please help

Sat Siri Akaal. There is only one answer to this, and that is naam simran. Sit down, DAILY, and practice naam simran.Do it with a CD or tape, or better yet, with your family and/or friends.
Depending on your age and where you go to school or uni, I also recommend you talk with a school counselor. Some fears are just part of adolescence and becoming an adult. Other fears are based in a more medical diagnosis of clinical anxiety. I cannot tell what your situation is. You must not put so much emphasis on what others think of you. Pray and meditate, ask Guru to guide you in what to do, and understand that God forgives a sincerely contrite heart. I do know that in any event, naam simran is the medicine for all ills, and is the one command of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Jaap!
Guru ang sang,

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