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Summary of Question:How Much Paath Should I Do?
Date Posted:Friday, 11/19/2004 11:30 PM MST

Hello, I am a twelve year old girl, and have been taught to do one japji sahib paht two shabads daily. When relaxed without worries, I really feel the benefit, but often, the time that my parents want me to do these things, I'm thinking of something else, like going on the internet and whatnot, and my paht is rushed. When I try to go slowly, I must guiltily admit I get bored. Can you help me think of a time, state of mind, etc. when I can do paht/kirtan sincerely? I love our religion, and whne I become immersed in it, my love grows and shines. I need to knwo how to become immersed more. Thank you, I appreciate it. :)

Sat Siri Akaal. I'm not going to tell you how much paath to do. I will tell you that Sikh spirituality is developed through practice of bani and simran. You have to take the approach that these things come FIRST in your life. So act like an adult and put it first. For most that means first thing after waking up, but if not, then set aside a time every day to do it. Don't wait for your folks. Don't do the internet first. "Every day at XXX time, I will sit and do paath in a devotional, meditative fashion." Make it the time between you and your Guru. If you have a Babaji's room, do it there. Once you 'fit' it in and make it such a habit that your day is weird without it, you won't have this problem. This problem, is, BTW, the challenge of all Gursikhs. Sehej is not just balance IN THE MIND. It is about life balance, of the daily affairs of a householder in balance with daily practice of spirituality. Guru ang sang,

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How Much Paath Should I Do? (11/19/2004)
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