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Summary of Question:Cutting Hair, Alcoholism, Gambling, Sikh And Khalsa
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 11/12/2000 10:15 PM MST

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Kee Fateh

I have certain queries regarding sikh practices:-
1. Is there any difference between a sikh and khalsa.
2. does cutting your hair mean that you are not a sikh anymore?
3. Is cutting your hair as big as a sin as drinking alcohol and gambling or eating meat?
Please do answer my questions...becos i am in the process of growing back my hair and i want to understand sikhism as much as I can and also advise my Parents, relatives and friends on the above issues.
Please keep up with the invaluable support and information you are giving to the sangat,it is so assuring to know that there is a team of khalsa's there who can help you out and be there whenever you need them.
Greetings to you in the Name of God the light of every soul and in the Name of Guru the life of every SIkh.

Good questions....are you ready?

1. A Sikh is a Sikh. It is a loose term. Many people consider thremselves Sikhs whether or not they are observent of Sikh practices. Being born into a Sikh family seem to be enough to be a SIkh. Just as Christians are Christian even though they may not be observeent of Christian practices.
A Khalsa implies that you have taken Amrit and are living life observently...full hair, 5 kaka's, nitnem and with a definite purpose to live consciously and according to your relationship of Siri Guru Granth Sahib as guide and connection to God.

2. Cutting your hair means that you are following your mind...a can still consider your religion to be are not an observant or practicing Sikh.

3. The Kurehits...actions that break your Amrit connection to the Guru are: a.cutting your hair,b.drinking alcohol or taking mind altering drugs or smoking cigarettes c.eating the flesh of animals, fish, poultry d. having sex outside of your marriage. These are all equally disruptive to your spirit and your commitment to live righteously. There is no mention of gambling that I am aware of.

You can read all about the Sikh practices on Sikhnet in the book "Victory & Virtue"..."Ceremonies & Code of Conduct of Sikh Dharma". It is a very interesting book and reads easily.

God bless you and keep up the great work!

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Cutting Hair, Alcoholism, Gambling, Sikh And Khalsa (11/12/2000)
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