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Summary of Question:Health
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/15/2007 12:33 PM MDT

Please, please help me, I do not know what to do, I think I may have something called bipolar disorder, I think it may have started because of stress at college, or maybe because I got rejected by a girl, I have looked a lot of information and I think I may have it, I have been to 2 doctors and they say I am fine and it is just stress, but everyday is mixture of low, depressed mood and high moods, I have told people close to me, and they say that it is stress. I sometimes do not know what to do, and I may do something stupid, I feel I have no where to turn, and have reached out for help, even if I do have this bipolar, I am scared about the medication, please help me, I know you might say get some help and get counselling, but I cannot, I have tried already, can you help me, is there any prayers I can read, or listen to kirtan, through prayer and guru’s grace is it possible to get better. Can you please help?

Blessings to you,
I am not a doctor, but......stress and intensity brings on so much. You seem to be seeking a bipolar disorder diagnosis. Stop this! When you are under pressure and your nutrition is poor, many deficencies come.

I would suggest that you accept that stress is the cause of your discomfort.Do something for yourself rather than look for trouble. For example,,,,, stop drinking cofee, black tea and sugar, chocolate. All these things are stimulants and have a let dowm after they wear off. Exercise, walk, run, sweat, and get your endorphans working to elevate your mood and help you relax. Take up Yoga as a hobby. Your emotions are at a high level and clouding your good judgement. You have the human capacity to be calm and healthy and happy. Chant with Sat Kirin Kaur's "Jaap" CD. (available on ITUNES). The Gobinday Mukunday......and AJAI ALAI recitation is for eliminating depression. You can help yourself without drugs.

When you feel afraid....start breathing long and deep for at least 3 minutes!!!!
Do all this things and you will recover fast.

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