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Summary of Question:Unclean Blood Of Mensturation
Date Posted:Friday, 2/24/2006 11:43 AM MST

sat naam

i have question regarding mensturation .. monthly period.. i have tried to read other religious books of different faith .. and i m not surprised to read that other faith [hindu/islam/christians] does think that monthly period is not clean blood it is unclean so therefore women is unclean during that time.. and in christian's faith i found that god curse women to get labor pain during pregnancy .. now i m very confused .. can god curse ? and i don't think that god can curse it's own kid .. and if god has to curse women .. why not every women .. get pregnant?? and if there would be no pain then how would be know the value of that thing? and it says that after baby is born .. women is unclean cuz of blood which comes out of her body? i wanted to know ... does that blood is really unclean .. and what is the purpose of that blood to come out and if it won't come out then what will happen.. i have tried to find it on line but no luck and i have no family doc to know about .. so i m giving you trouble .. please do clear my confusion .. i have seen you all guyz helping others.. please help me too.. i m desperately waiting for the reply PLEASE ..

Sat nam. Drop this fear! Learn the facts and rest easy.
To make a long story short, different cultures and faiths around the world regard women as temporarily unclean during or after monthly menstruation, or after childbirth. There are many reasons why this came to be, some of them born out of male fear and as many of them born out of a complete misunderstanding as to WHY women bleed monthly and expel 'afterbirth' after delivering a child.

First of all, you need to talk to a female adult and/or female doctor you TRUST and learn for yourself how natural these processes are to women. You can also look up 'female reproductive cycle', or 'menstruation' in an online encyclopedia. I am astounded that you do not know these 'facts of life'.

Sikhi does not believe in superstitions such as these about women, and you are misguided to bother with other cultures'/faiths' interpretations of this aspect of being female. Blood is blood. What comes out of a woman's vagina every month is the same blood that comes out of a papercut on her finger.

That said, it is important for every woman to take care of her body and personal cleanliness. During menstruation, a woman should wash carefully and regularly, and use modern feminine products.
guru ang sang,

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