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Summary of Question:Wish/Life Path
Date Posted:Monday, 2/11/2008 8:00 AM MST


thank you for your response last time. Is there any shabad/paath I can recite to remove obstacles and help me achieve my dreams, time is not on my side and on top of being sick I have bad luck. Thank you

Sat nam.
1. Stop being a martyr or maintaining the projection of having bad 'luck'. You are experiencing your karma.
2. Take up a daily sadhana of naam simran. Chant a mantra for at least a half an hour, sitting meditatively with a straight spine and your head covered. Use a CD of a mantra or chant with others to make it more effective.
3. Set your projection for what you want. Be careful what you wish for! Put this in your projection and then GIVE it to guru.
4. 17th slok of Sukhmani is good to recite for removing blocks. Look it up.
guru ang sang,

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