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Summary of Question: | Keeping my hair |
Category: | Hair |
Date Posted: | Saturday, 4/17/1999 1:01 AM MDT |
Sat Nam, dear one. In light of the infinite blessings, the Sat Guru Prasad, of our Guru, I would humbly suggest that you begin with a sense of deep gratitude that Guruji has brought you to this stage of conscious realization. Your choice as a Sikh to keep your hair intact is a choice to confirm your relationship to the Guru. And, because it is a part of yourself that you are preserving in relation to Him, and because it is such a close and prominent part of yourself, it can serve as a continual reminder of your closeness in your relationship to Him, that He is always covering you and your situations just as your hair is always covering your head.
If you can feel the Guru in relationship with you, then any situation in which you may feel socially awkward about your hair can become a situation for learning, for feeling out a new way of being in your life. One of the things we pray for in the Ardas is to have wholesome companionship with other loving people so that we can remember the sacred Nam in their presence. ("Sei piare mel, jinhan milian tera Nam chit ave..."). Some people whom we will encounter in our lives will ridicule us for our faith. When they do, it is a good opportunity to realize that we should not choose such people as our close companions. It is not such a great loss if those people reject us. We can see the humanity of them and forgive them in their ignorance.
Other people, being unaware of our reality as Sikh, will ask questions in a respectful manner. And with these people we can share as much as we feel intuitively to be appropriate. We can honor their respect by sharing truth with them.
And finally, we can always remember the Sat Sangat, those Sikhs we are among, who are living and those who have gone before (sometimes at great sacrifice to keep the presence of sacred Dharma alive on the Earth). We can draw strength from them and from our Guru. As in your choice to maintain your original, created form as a Sikh, to keep your kesh, you are one with the Sat Sangat and you can be divinely proud of your heritage. By carrying your Dharmic commitment into the world you can become a light and inspiration to others.
May all blessings flow to your choices and actions as a Sikh of the Guru. May you be filled with the radiance and inspiration which comes by our relationship with the infinity of Wahe Guru.
Krishna Singh Khalsa
P.S. If you have further questions of a more practical nature (ie., tying the "rishi knot", tying a turban, how the hair is a vital organ of the body that stores phosphorus for the brain and synthesizes vitamin D for the brain, how the subtle antennae of the hair is a focal point of the electromagnetic field for the mind and the entire body), let us discuss further. Please respond.