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Summary of Question:Growing Shaven Beard
Date Posted:Monday, 10/08/2001 7:12 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal,

At the moment I shave and cut my hair, but I am trying to stop doing this and hope to, one day, take Amrit. What I wanted to ask you is that,
1. if I stopped shaving and decieded to grow my beard, would it grow properly? 2. Would it grow equally?
3. Would it be obvious that I used to shave?
4. Would it grow in a big bunch (which I don't want) or would it grow into curly hairs ( which I would prefer)?

If i stopped cutting my hair, would it be better to stop cutting my hair altogether, no matter what the style, or to make the hair into a certain style, and then stop cutting it, in order to try to get the "longness" of the hair?

Thank you for your help and forgive me if I have asked some stupied questions.

Sat Sri Akal


[email protected]

Sat Siri Akaal,Ji. Thank you for your earlier apology.

As for beard and hair, essentially the only way to find out is to do it. Genes and environment and nutrition all affect hair and how it grows. Some men's beards grow out in a bunch, others short and curly, etc. You can get some idea if a brother or father or uncle have beards, see what it typical in your family.

I do not believe it would be obvious to anyone that you used to shave, except PERHAPS to one who barbers or cuts hair for a living. I know a lot of men who at one time in their lives years ago used to shave and their beards are QUITE full today.

As for hair, the hair will grow and then stop according to what the body needs. The short hair will end up meeting the longer hair, though not initially. As a converted Sikh, I can tell you I got one 'last' haircut before adopting Sikhi to have more hair the same length because it would make it easier to control for putting up in a knot. But really, it's not necessary to do so.

Guru ang sang,

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