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Summary of Question:Sat Kriya Query
Date Posted:Monday, 12/06/2004 5:16 AM MST

i've wrote in quite a few times with no response but i would really appreciate if you could answer my queries.

i find doing Sat Kriya better cross legged, but have also heard it is good to do it sitting on your heels. Which of the two is the best way to do it?

i have been TRYING to practise looking at the tip of my nose, after 10 seconds, i mostly can only see 1 side of my nose therefore i have to keep bringing the other side of my nose into vision. is it normal to see 1 side more clearer? My left eye is considerably weaker. After 45 - 60 seconds the strain becomes too much. Do you have any tips as to how to strengthen my other eye and beable to concentrate longer.

thank you
Sat Siri Akaal. Frankly, I find Sat Kriya on the heels easier to maintain. It provides a bit better 'body lock'and it's easier to keep your spine/neck straight as well. Other than that, there is not a whole lot of difference doing it cross-legged vs. in rock pose (on the heels).
I agree the problem with the eyes at the nose is related to the weak vision in one eye. Do not stress on how well the other eye views the tip of the nose. Rather, do your best to keep a general focus on the tip of the nose. Pressure in your forehead from this focus is not uncommon. Please contact [email protected] for tips on strengthening the eyes, or ask your yoga teacher. Thanks.
Guru ang sang,

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