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Summary of Question:Can You Please Help Me
Date Posted:Monday, 9/23/2002 12:33 AM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Respected Khalsa Ji

First of all I am very thankful that i found this lovely and really helpful website. Thankyou to all of you who have made this website and have helped so many people and are still continuing to do so.

Well my name is Amrit and I am 17 years of age. I was never really a religous person before, but im not that religous right now either. But this year I started goind to the Gurdwara alot and I really enjoy sitting in the Gurdwara and listening to the beautiful kirtan there. I really like to do path especially getting up in the mornig like at 2 or 3 am and having a shower and doing path. Its like i get so much peace and comfort. I am going to take amrit also. I want to be a Khalsa of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji. I want to base my whole life on the teaching of Gurbani. I have never felt so strong about religon ever before. I just love to listen to shabads, and i always have shabads playing on my stereo and im listening to them as i write this. Well Khalsa ji I want to get up early in the morning and do path everyday without missing a single day, but i dont know i really want to get up at 2am and have shower and do path at 2.30 am, but i cant get up Khalsa ji, and i have so many alarms set around my bed to wake me up at 2am but whenever my alarms go off i just get up and turn them off... i am very ashamed of myself because i really want to do path but i cant...and when the sun has come up and i finally get out of bed i feel so bad inside that i have wasted my whole day already...i dont like the feeling of this, i want to be in rehat before i take amrit but i cant even seem to get up in the mornings to do path, even tho i really want to..can u please tell me y i cant get up?
do u think that God does not want me to take His name? because in Gurbani it says that only if God is pleased then somone can take His u think God is not pleased with me? I feel like Guru Ji is not happy with me. Sometimes when im doing path in the evening like when im doing Sukhmani Sahib Ji, i start to cry and i feel really lost and scared and will i ever be able to be in full rehat? can u please tell me if i should just do path from 12am - 4am? or should i go to sleep at like 7pm so that i can get up at 2am in the morning? wat should i do ? can u please tell me wat time is the best for me to do path because i just dont seem to get up at all, i have only gotten up at 3am like 4 times only....and i am very ashamed of myslef...i feel like i am wasting my life..i feel like i am lost and somtimes i even cry so much thinking of God and y i cant be a good person..Khalsa Ji can u please tell me wat is wrong wid me and wat i should do to wake up at amritvela to do path becuz im really getting sick of my lifestyle, i want to do path so much but then im so lazy and i cant do it and once i start doing it i really like it, but somtimes when im doin path i cant concentrate. i really dont like it..Khalsa Ji can u please tell me wat i can do wake up at 2am? plz dont tell me that i should get up at 4.30 or 5am becuz i want to get up at 2am and have shower and start path at 2.30am and go on doing path till 6.30...can u please tell me if 1am is amritvela also?

thankyou very much Khalsa Ji
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Sweet daughter of the Guru.

Stop torturing yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God and Guru are not judging you. You are being very hard on yourself. God gave you breath and life and Guru to use in your life to be radiant and joyful.

You need to relax a bit. Love yourself as God loves you. Let God get you up. It is His will that gets you up. Devote one tenth of your day to you devotion. If you can do 4-6:30 am this is perfect. If this does not work, then get up at 5am and do what you can......just start!!! Start anywhere, even 7 am is fine if this is the best you can do on any given day. Just thank yourself and God for this precious time that you have to meditate and pray.

Stop this judgement of saying that what your doing is "not good enough". We are not fanatics. Be relaxed, be flexible and most of all be kind. Breath deeply and live in an attitude of gratitude for this breath and this life. When you relax and rejoice you will find ease in reaching your goals. You are young and you have time and focus in your favor to perfect your practice. Bottom line is that you do not need to get up at 2 am. Amrit Vela is 3:30 to 7 am and 2 and 1/2 hours is a complete observence...even if you nod out during that time you are fine.

God bless you, SKKK

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