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Summary of Question:Problem In School
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/10/2002 11:05 PM MST

Dear Lakshdeep Singh Bajwa,

We are really proud of you for your willingness to stand up and fight with the students who taunt you at school for your kesh (these you know are the "mohar" or the seal of the kalgidhar, our tenth guru, who sacrificed all his family and his possessions so that we could today continue to be sikhs.

When I was your age and studied in New Delhi in an elite school they used to harass me as well. My son, who is almost the same age as you are and in Grade 4 at a British School in the Middle East, faces the same issues every day.

In addition to the brilliant suggestions that "G" has made to you I would like to add a few and seek the moderators indulgence in posting them.

Focus on excellence.

Just like our kalgidhar was brilliant in language, in sport, in weaponry and all other skills, and you are his son, focus on becoming very very good in any thing that interests you. It may be maths in class or english or sport or music. You may need to experiment before you conclude what is that really interests you. (You are obviously very brilliant and take wrote to the sikhnet for assistance..that proves it)

Once you have done that, just go for it. Immerse yourself in it. Learn who is the best in it and seek to learn from him /her. Work hard. Get up in the morning and say Japjee Sahib and then ask Guru Gobind Singh that father, I am your son, who is having difficulties with other children in school and I need you to help me.

Say the ardas with real meaning and in the firm faith that the Guru has not gone away but is always with you (in accordance with the hukam of Guru Granth Sahib that "Guru Merhe Aang Saang Sadha Hai Naley...the guru is with me all the time).

And let me assure you through my experiences of the last 40 years that the Guru is there...he has not gone away..he is with you all the time ..whenever you need him he will be there to help you, guide you, teach you and protect you.

As you carry his "mohar" with you and are steadfast in your determination to protect it, it will be the kalgidhars duty to protect you. Have no doubt about it.

Once you start excelling in your chosen field of endeavor others will start looking at you with admiration and even envy and these taunts will give way to respect. You will become a role model for others to follow.

These techniques that I am sharing with you are the ones that I use with my children as well all the time. Our son is excelling in a few activities. Consequently, others who used to trouble him before no longer do so...

So while you walk on the path of the Guru, seek his protection and he will assist you all the time. As Bhai Gurdas, who was the first person to write Sri Guru Granth Sahib said, if you take one step towards the Guru, the Guru will take thousands of steps towards you.

May the Guru keep you in his protection one will then be able to touch you or harass you.


Hargurmit Singh
[email protected]

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