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Summary of Question:Yoga Help
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/19/2005 2:00 AM MDT


I am visting this site after long time and now i am in a need of urgent help.
I started practicising yoga and meditation about two months ago. I learned this chakra meditation in New delhi, in a workshop conducted by some disciple of famous Baba Sivanand. in this excercise i had to concentrate on the various chakras starting from the bottom to top, and illuminate(activate) each chakra.

About ten days ago during my evening prayer suddenly an energy stream hit the top of my head and i had to hold my head with hands out of fear. same thing repeated next morning. i got scared and didnot do anything for next week. everything is normal with me except that with slightest concentration or meditation or prayer a kind of heat energy starts developing in my body. it usally starts at the base of spine and is felt in the brain or pushes on the top of head.for most of the time it is bearable but i usally get scared and stop what i am doing.

I had not resumed the exercises after the incident(10 days). everything appears normal except this occasional heat energy.

I had a request for all people with experience to tell me what is going on inside me and what should i do.

Waiting for reply,
Thanks and regards,

Kamal deep singh.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. So sorry you have been frightened by this experience. Please chant GURU GURU WAHE GURU and call upon the help of Guru Ram Das, Lord of Miracles so that you can learn to utilize this Kundalini energy properly, and not be overwhelmed with it. I would imagine that your nervous system was not properly prepared to handle the energy that has been released. That is why Yogi Bhajan gave us the technology of Kundalini Yoga, so that we would devolop inner strength and be able to maintain our balance and be in control of our physical, mental, emotional and nervous energies. Are you still in New Delhi? It would be useful for you to have a teacher to monitor your progress. Kindly go to website and find the links to IKYTA (International Kundalini Teachers Association) and KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) so you can contact a teacher of Kundalini Yoga directly. Meanwhile, feel God and Guru with you, protecting you. ANG SANG WAHE GURU (God is in every fiber of my being - literally every "joint") and breathe long and deep, inhaling SAT and exhaling NAM. Calming your breath will calm your mind. You may want to read KUNDALINI YOGA: The Flow of Eternal Power (available from or from Another powerful mantra of protection, and to eliminate fear is AAD GURAY NAMEH, JUGAAD GURAY NAMEH, SAT GURAY NAMEH, SIRI GURU DAYVAY NAMEH. (Musical CD's of these mantras are available from MOST IMPORTANT of all, before you begin ANY meditation or breathing practice chant ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO three times (Salutations to the Creator and to the Divine Teacher within) there is a wealth of information and guidance available, please let us know your progress. (Are you familiar with Jaap Sahib by Guru Gobind Singh? reciting it will give you courage!) Blessings, SP

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