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Summary of Question:Akkhyiean Deakh Na Rajyyian Beauh Rang Tamasseay
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/24/2005 1:05 AM MDT

akkhyiean deakh na rajyyian beauh rang tamasseay, the same condation is of mine. Iam pls fourty a responsible father and sincer, & responsible man, I read a lot literature, visted many places, lived a practical, hard, enjoyable life or WHAT NOT! From last six years i left reading, beacuse Igot nothing from liteary books, Then i start reading GURBANI. many question rose in my mind, I found answers in gurbani also.Then with the grace of GOD i got bapisead. It was the great blessing of GOD on me.Regularly for one year I heard ASSA THE WAR FROM GOLDEN TEMPLE and iwas overjoyed iwas feeling contented and always was mently happy.ALL of sudden some old friends of mine (both type m f )again intrupted my life and slowely 2 iam getting into my previous life. I am feeling restless,sometimes burried. if i listen the kirten , my mind is not in controle. now some times i take two drinks , thinks a lot, even get a little sleep on a cair, i left sleeping on the bed, prays to god. but still the position is the same. I know that u understand my position well,and suggest me what shell i do?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Sorry I don't understand the Gurbani you quote. However, I think I understand your position. It's obvious what you should do if you want to be calm and happy and that is to stay away from your "friends" and get back to listening to ASA DI VAR every morning, and also read your banis every day. Listen to other Gurbani Kirtan, and play it on a CD player continuously overnight so that even when you sleep, your mind is lifted up to God and Guru. Let the Guru be your friend! People who lead you to drink are not interested in helping you, and they are destroying your peace of mind. Especially recite Jaap Sahib to give you courage and Japji Sahib, of course, to give you the perspective on what is important in life. May God bless you and Guru help you to live in your highest consciousness. You need to take Amrit again, since you have broken your vows by the drinking. It is entirely up to you what you choose to do with your life. Tempation is put in our way to test our commitment. I hope you will choose wisely. SP

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