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Summary of Question:Premature Hair Loss
Date Posted:Friday, 6/22/2001 11:53 AM MDT

I am a 16 year old sikh and my hair has been receeding at an alarming rate over the last year and a half. Me and my parents are pretty sure is because I have been tying my joora too tight and the hair is bein pulled away. I have talked to a few other singhs and some have the same problem. I'm not really that bothered at the moment but i was just wondering if there were ne other singhs in the same situation?


Dear One:

As I am a Kaur, I cannot directly answer your question. I recommend you loosen up a little on the joora. I have known people who have tied their hair for years and not lost it. It could be genes, it could be diet. Although early hair loss is common in men, 16 is AWFULLY early. I recommend also that you condition your hair after washing it, or use moisturizing oil regularly. It could be that your hair is dry and so falling out, and hard water can cause that.

So let's post this and see what happens. YOu could also go to Sikhnet chat at and ask your query live.

Guru rakha,

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Premature Hair Loss (06/22/2001)
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