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Summary of Question:Deep Meditation
Date Posted:Monday, 2/21/2005 1:35 AM MST

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh I wantd 2 ask how one goes in 2 deep meditation. i use2 b amritdhari but broke it cos i woz very confusd bout my sexuality. still am 3yrz down the line. i want 2 go in 2 deep meditation as sum1 suggestd it but i dont talk 2 that person. im hoping u cud


(REPLY) Sat Nam. You need a teacher. Where do you live? (Perhaps you are someplace near a teacher we could recommend) Deep meditation comes with commitment and the discipline to practice consistently and to surrender to God's will, without concern for the results. Remember, the soul has no gender. Meanwhile, be aware that each inhalation is God's gift of life to you, it is the link between your Creator, and you, the creature. Simple meditation on your breath, with eyes closed, breathing long and deep through the nose only, thinking (and hearing in your mind) SAT as you receive each inhalation, and NAM as you exhale may seem like a very simple thing to do, but believe me, if you can do it with full concentration, it can take you into deep meditation. SAT NAM is the seed sound, the Bij Mantra, it is God's Name! Be sure you are sitting with your spine straight, and your head covered, and ideally in a place that is set aside (even a corner of your bedroom will do) as a sacred space for meditation. With your eyes closed, focus them between your eyebrows and up very slightly (about 1/8 of an inch) and keep that focus throughout your meditation. You might start with just 5 or 7 minues, and gradually increase up to 31 minutes or an hour. Best time is before sunrise. May God bless you and Guru guide you, SP

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