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Summary of Question:Equality
Date Posted:Friday, 11/23/2001 2:50 PM MST

Why is it that boys and girls are not treated equally in the sikh community. When my brother got his hair cut my parents were fine about it, but when i got my haircut my dad was not exactly pleased. It is not just hair that they fuss about. They are fine with my brother having a girlfriend, but if i ever asked i would be in the wrong. Ihate double standards!


Sat Sri Akal,

The double standard is not the Sikh way of life. It is remnants from indian and hindu culture, where women had a lower status then men. In Sikhi, there is little gender difference. Everyone is equal, and true Sikhs treat everyone equally.

However, since you and your brother cut your hair, you are not true Sikhs. Before you can preach to your parents about how Sikhi does not condone gender bias, you yourself must be a real Sikh. Why did you and your brother cut your hair? Before complaining about a double standard, you should look at yourself and behave and act like a true Sikh.

Gur Fateh,

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