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Summary of Question:About Sikhs
Date Posted:Friday, 12/01/2000 11:29 AM MST


i`m sandeep singh narula from ludhiana punjab.....According to me
What we are doing for sikhy...Sikhs are giving more and more
charity for guruduaras..What i want ... i want we should stop
or kill to those guys (Sikhs and Non-Sikhs) who say to other
sikh students for cut the hairs,Moustaches & Beard.
Or who dont want to live with sikhs i mean who dont like us..
i want that Bhindranwala`s time should come again only than
we can save to sikhism and the time is coming for change the
jakaara of Guru Gobind Singh Ji - Raaj Karega Khalsa - people
are trying to change it for Raaj Karange Hindu .
We should think how we can save our sikhy not how we can make
beautifull to guruduaras.....Today many of Raagi`s children
also cutting the hairs...i dont know who is reading to this
message...he is a sikh...or...kalank on sikh...Please dont try
to show on internet about sikh`s history....Do some thing
in real ... About me...there`s a lot of history..but i dont
want tell to some one....i believe in Sant Jarnail
Singh Ji Bhindranwale----i want to repeat the past tragedy
of Bhindranwale ji`s but how i dont know....would you
like to help me....ok bye...please tell me about your thinking
who is reading to this message...i`m 20 years old....
Tell me what you think...........
[email protected]
Sandeep SIngh Narula.....
Greetings to you in the Name of God the light of every soul and in the Name of Guru the life of every Sikh.

I understand your concern and frustration with the state of Sikhee in the Indian-Sikh community today. However, Guru does have a plan and Guru Gobind Singh did give his prophecy of "chanveh kror Khalsa sajeva, Khalsa Raj karega". So, our Khalsa nation will be born as predicted but perhaps not from where we are looking.

Rather than be frustrated and angry...take some time each day to develop your internal God consciousness. Develop your own experience of the power of Wahe Guru so that you can share inspiration and leadership.

For the next 90 days....each morning in Amrit Vela...recite Jap Ji Sahib (in English.. English translation). Do this out loud and learly so you hear your voice. Understand what you are saying so you can master the message of Guru Nanak Dav ji.

Then after your finish this recitation do 11 minute to 31 minutes of a one minute breath. Inhale 20 seconds (through the nose), hold the breath for 20 seconds, and then exhale through the nose for 20 seconds. Start at 10-10-10 and work your way up to 20-20-20. This is the one minute breath. It will give you peace of mind and clarity and allow you to rise above your emotions and let your God wisdom come through to you.

Remember, God and Guru make all things happen. We can live in God's will and be channels of Grace and consciousness. God bless you.

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