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Summary of Question:Please Help
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/19/2002 8:45 AM MST

Wahe GuruJi Ki Khalsa; Wahe GuruJi Ki Fathae,

I was wondering if you guys can please help me. Well, I have been on your question forum several times before with questions and queries, and I have found you persons pretty helpful.

Now, I live in England.Well, the problem is, that I have been with this Leftist party for the last two years, and I have discussed this with a lot of my members. What troubles us is that there aren't many Blacks and Asian people who are interested in our party, despite our party being part of an International Organisation (Commitee of Workers' International) and having a sister party in Banglore,India along with 35 others across the globe, in each and every continent.

I was wondering if you guys have any word of advice, what can I do to recruit more Sikh and Indian members to our party??? What I find is that a lot of young Indians, including Sikh youths are not radical, and aren't as political as the white folk. I would like to reach out to the Asian youth, encourage them to become active. I was at this big anti war demo, which took place in London, opposing Bush's war on Iraq, it was on the news that the turnout was about 400,000 people, the biggest demo that London had ever seen, since the Vietnam war. And I was shocked that amongst the crowd, there was not one turbaned Sikh!
I can swear to that.

I would like my folk to practice and preach Sikhism, to be proud of our 10 Gurus, but also to reach out to them, get them involved in certain issues concerning day to day life, also to participate in certain movements, be more radicalised, I don't see that.

So, what must I do, to recruit more Asian members??? Our party have established a paper for Black and Asian youth, but that does not seem to help. We always fought the Fascists, protested against them, but most Asian youths I have come across, simply don't want to know us.
Dear one,
There needs to be more Sikhs like you I suppose. Perhaps the reality of your interest and cause is not so real or immediate to the needs of this community. Well, at least you were presant in a turban. Right?!

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