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Summary of Question:Why Have Kanga
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Saturday, 6/02/2001 10:52 PM MDT

Why keep kanga if its not being used ? Most of the ones i have seen are pretty "non-functional" by today standards.


Sat Siri Akal Gurmeet--

We keep kanga because it's part of the 5 Ks, part of the form given us by our 10th Guru.

So get a functional kanga for home. I wear an itty bitty non-functional kanga in my turban, and use a larger wooden kanga for the real comb-out at home. The wooden comb is much better for the hair/scalp than plastic.

Guru Rakha,

Actually, I often use my small kanga to comb my hairs down in the evening when my larger wooden comb is not available. Guruji gave us the kanga to remind us to take care of our hairs every day - to comb them up in the morning and down at night so that the brain absorbs solar energy during the day and lunar energy at night. Also it reminds us to be neat and clean and to respect our body, the temple of the Divine. When the Khalsa camped in the woods and rode on horseback, they often did not have a larger comb, so the comb was simply worn in the dastar so that it was available to each every evening when the army of the Khalsa encamped.

All of the 5 K's have a distinct function and use. They are not only symbols, but tools of health and consciousness as well.

Uncut hair - Kesh - to preserve energy and strength

Steel bracelet - Kara - our wedding ring with God and the mark of the slave (of God!) a reminder of right action. Also to keep stell in the aura for strength.

Special underwear - Kachera - for chastity - a remoinder of the righteous use of our sexual energy and also they create an air pocket around the pelvic area which keeps temperature constant and helps regulate calcium metabolism.

A comb in the hair - as described above.

A knife or sword - Kirpan - A reminder that Truth is high, but higher still is Truthful Living. The sword is our isht. It is the power of Adi Shakti to cut through lies and deceit and act swiftly and righteously.


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Why Have Kanga (06/02/2001)
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