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Summary of Question:Why Do I Have To Tie My Hair Back?
Date Posted:Wednesday, 12/11/2002 6:07 AM MST

hello everyone

erm firstly i just want to say how pleased i am with this site. I have asked many questions to you guys and i am always soooo pleased with the response i recieve.
Im an 18 year old sikh girl who is nearly 19. but wheneva i go to the gurdwara i always have to tie my hair back. usually when im at home i have my hair out as it is quite short (well just below the shoulders) usually when i go out i also have to tie my hair back. i was wondering why my mum makes me do this. she says its because i look betta with my hair tied back but i disagree. and im sure theres another reason for her asking me to always have it tied back. All women at the gurdwara complain if a gal walks in with her hair out. And i get angry as i feel its unfair. We all go to the gurdwara to pray not to gossip about hair styles. I just say to my mum that it doesnt matter how my hair is aslong as im comfortable with it. I hate tying my hair back as the hairbands hurt and it gives me a headache. I say to my mum that god doesnt mind how we have our hair. if he did we would have been born with hairbands in out hair all ready. is this true? or am i stupid?

anyways i know that you gonna give me another great response so im gonna say many thanks before hand

Your hair is attenna of power and contains a charge of energy. Guru Gobind Singh gave us a very beautiful technology to tie our hair up onto the tenth gate of our head to regenerate the energy of the hair back into our body. Then he gave us the technology to cover the hair and the head with the turban . This crown adjusts the points of the skull to keep us centered, focused and elevated and in control of ourselves. There is the potential to be masterful of our environment.

Unfortunately, most Sikh women have been denied this technology of personal mastery by the joora and turban. Your comments all exemplify what it is like to have your hair flying. You are emotional and out of control. You have no mastery of the mystery and you cannot contain yourself. You donot want anyone to contain you or tell you what to do.

A women is very powerful. A woman has the ability to give birth to another human being. A mother will affect many generations to come through her raising a child of consiousness and grace. We have the power to affect the future of this world. The Western concept of a woman as a "sex object" undermines the future of humanity. You are the "Grace of God". You must say this to yourslef daily..."I am the Grace of God".

Our Western society shows us how to live with no values and no standards and subsequently to live with no grace. The only way you can really be free, is to contain your emotional and commotional nature. When you can control your mind's bombardment of a zillion and one thoughts, you can choose to live in mastery. Guru Nanak said, "when you win over your mind, you win the whole world". "Man Jeetah jagjeet...."

One place you can start is by washing your hair and combing it up. Give yourself the experience of putting your hair ON TOP OF YOUR HEAD, cover it and feel how centering this is to your mind and intention. Then go to Gurdwara to meet your Guru with an attitude of grace and gratitude. Most people do not have this chance.

God bless you,

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Why Do I Have To Tie My Hair Back? (12/11/2002)
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