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Summary of Question:I Have A Desire To Become A Witch
Date Posted:Monday, 12/04/2000 7:13 PM MST

Hello I am a 16 year old in Canada

I have a friend at the high school I go to who is a practising Wiccan (She also practises Voodoo sometimes she tells me) I don't really believe in magic but I am very interested in witchcraft. She says that she is trying to find a spell at her church so she can summon a demon, it all seems so cool, I bet Sikhism accepts witches does it?

Sikhism does not accept witches as a part of the Sikh path. Why spend time and energy on any practices which do not serve to keep your mind focused on the Infinite? There are countless cool and interesting metaphysical and paranormal activities to get involved in, but they lead nowhere.

The Guru says:

The Pandit ? the religious scholar ? recites the Shaastras and the Simritees;
the Yogi cries out, ?Gorakh, Gorakh?.
But I am just a fool ? I just chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. || 1 ||
I do not know what my condition shall be, Lord.
O my mind, vibrate and meditate on the Name of the Lord.
You shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean. || 1 || Pause ||
The Sannyaasee smears his body with ashes;
renouncing other men?s women, he practices celibacy.
I am just a fool, Lord; I place my hopes in You! || 2 ||
The Kh?shaatriya acts bravely, and is recognized as a warrior.
The Shoodra and the Vaisha work and slave for others;
I am just a fool ? I am saved by the Lord?s Name. || 3 ||
The entire Universe is Yours; You Yourself permeate and pervade it.
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are blessed with glorious greatness.
I am blind ? I have taken the Lord as my Support. || 4 || 1 || 39 ||

Countless clever people have devised all sorts of practices, but what is important is constant remembrance of the Creator.

Mangala Sadhu Sangeet Singh Khalsa

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I Have A Desire To Become A Witch (12/04/2000)
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