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Summary of Question:Being In An Environment Where Sikhism Looked As Being Wrong
Date Posted:Saturday, 8/31/2002 6:08 PM MDT

Sat Siri Akaal,

I am currently the only undergraduate Sikh at the university of oklahoma, located in the heart of the "bible belt". Various Christian demoninations such as fundament babtist groups have a strong presence around the school, and in it's student population. As of recent, on my way to classes from the dorms, and at the dorms, I have been approached often by many members of the babtist church (students and church directors). In any conversation I am asked what religion I believe I belong to, and once I tell them that I am a sikh, I am asked a few question which I can answer. However, after that I am told that I need to imbrace that way or I will be going to "their version of eternal punishment or (hel-)" do to the fact that I am not following their path through their Mesiah". I usually respond by saying that there are many ways to Waheguru, and that we each have own unique way of reaching Waheguru (hence various differet religions that share many things in common), and that Sikhs have respect for all other religions. Their response is that their is only one way, or that I am invalidating the basis of their whole belief. After that I am usually invited and offered a bible, but I reply that I had gone to a perochial school for about 8 years, and that I am very familiar with their religion and others. As a result of these experiences, I was wondering if their is a better way to deal with them.
How should I respond to question such as, if a sikh believes in reincarnation and the cycle of life and death, how do chrisitians who don;t believe that fit into this view of after life? The last question is with all these experiences I still try to respect that these are their belief, however how do deal I with the frustration of having to go through this often? I have met christians with open mindedness who believe there are other paths, but this particular demoninational group has been pretty presistant in try to change my view, and others such as a hindu student I know. It's good in one sense that they feel strongly about their faith, but I feel it wronge to tell others that their way is wronge. I would appreciate any advice or suggestion on what to say or how to better deal with the situation in a professional manner.

Sat Siri Akaal,



Dear Gurpal Singh Ji,
God bless you for keeping up in this difficult situation. I believe that our actions and demeanor of purity, humility, and sincerity speak the loudest about who we are. These qualities taught to us by the Gurus ultimately are the greatest strength and power of the human being. People who question your beliefs will know by your understanding, your compassion, your ability to "listen" without condemnation, and share your beliefs without requiring them to conform to your way - will ultimately win over a hard heart. In fact, those who listen truely to the words of the man from Nazareth who is called the Christ, said the same thing. He was open and compassionate to all. Sat Nam. -GMK

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