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Summary of Question:Money
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/24/2001 11:31 AM MDT

I am having real difficulties because of my family. The problem is that my father is in debt to a number of people and he owes quite alot of money, to the bank and to other friends and family. He owes my sisters inlaws money too and they are always telling my sister to tell him to pay up but i see no way out of this mess, the whole thing just seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Plus it has had an effect on our family life. My mother is constantly worrying about what is going to happen and thinks there is some (Grare)on us. We are not a bad family my mom and dad both do path and go to the gaudwara. further all bad thing seems to keep on happening. First my grandmother died and then my dad had a mild stroke and now he has done his back in. i just dont know what to do to get out of this mess and start afresh, i know that even if i worked a lifetime i could never repay my dads debts. Please could u suggest what i should do. Thanks

First, you must look for the positive. Find the blessings in your life. When the problems seem to be upon you, start your quest for peace of mind. Accept that the situation is real but as, "all things come from God than all things must go back to God" Jap Ji. God can handle this too.

Every day for the next 90 days...minimum, do this "subagh kriya".
Sit in an easy crossed legged position. Set spine straight, relax your neck and head. Eyes are focused on the tip of the nose. Hands are out in front of you as though recieveing prasaad. Except do not cup the hands. You will be hitting the outsides of the hands aas you chant "har" and then hit the pointer finger sie of the hands and chant "har" again. Do this continuously for 11 minutes. Keep the thumbs out of the way. The hands hit solidly, somewhat hard.

Chant out loud as your focus your eyes on the tip of the nose with full concentration for 11 minutes daily for 90 days or more.

God bless you and keep up. I have seen marvelous results from this meditation.

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Money (04/24/2001)
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