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Summary of Question:Confused
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 5/31/2003 1:51 PM MDT

I am confused, the person I love alot and she also does so told me that

she had never loved anyone, but had only 1 short relationship. Gradually I found out that while now she actually is sincere and wants to spend the rest of her life with me before she has had 2 more short relationships where she has got used.The fact that she had done this did not hurt me as much as the fact that she hid it from me while I never hid my past which is also not perfect either!
As a Sikh my heart stays forget the past and think of the future but as a human being I am hurt because I have never loved anyone so much and also the fact that these things were hidden from me.Some one advise me !


It is not necessary to tell each other every thing in your past, but once you commit to each other, there must not be any secrets in the present and future.

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