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Summary of Question:How Can We Actually Love God ?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/27/2002 9:07 AM MDT

I have read many of your answers....and I have noticed that you have answered all questions indirectly.

Please Please answer this question directly...

Those who love god are freed from cycle of births...
but how does one love god ? I don't understand...I do paath everyday(Atleast try to) and read translation of sri guru granth sahib....
but I have never got an answer to all my questions...
My doing paath does not make me start loving god...i don't know why ?
I realy want to know how it is like when you are CLOSE to god...
But why can't I do that ?

REPLY: God is within you. Start by meditating on yourself in a mirror. Look directly into your own eyes. Open your heart and connect to the God inside you. Inhale and exhale and pay attention to your breath. As you inhale, silently say SAT and as you exhale, silently say NAM. Keep going and let your mind do whatever it wants to do, but keep Sat Nam going with your breath through it all. Pay attention. Keep your heart open. Now start to do the same thing with every person you meet. Look into their eyes with an open heart, inhale Sat and exhale Nam and see the God in them. Then you can begin to see God everywhere in every living thing. You know, if you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all.

I have heard and read about the 5 sins..
Anger, Maya, Kaam, greed and ego...
how can 1 control his anger ? Means...everyone gets even little things...How can one control that ? Does one have to control anger even if someone is doing wrong to them ?

REPLY: Anger is just heat. Don't try to stop or control your anger, redirect it. Instead of directing your anger outside yourself, direct it at your own faults. Use your anger to create change within yourself.

And Maya is worldly love...To leave maya, does that mean I should stop loving everything I have ? even my family ? and should I ignore everything that happens because I don't love anything.....

REPLY: Just love God in everyone. Maya is the appearance, God is the reality. When someone looks beautiful, see and feel that it is the Light of God shining through them that makes them so beautiful.

And how can one control kaam..? I don't know...It is very difficult...
Please tell me.. such thoughts come into the mind and disturb the mind...
If i get rid of such thoughts my mind will be able to concentrate...
How can I get rid of all worldly thoughts ???????

REPLY: You can't. Everyone has worldly thoughts. It's not about getting rid of them, it's about learning how to control your own mind so that you can redirect your thoughts and channel your energy. The mind makes a sublime servant and a terrible master. Don't let your mind lead you around like a dog in a collar. 'Man jeetai jag jeet. ' Master your own mind through your meditation.

And about ego? If we are always humble then don't we lose respect in front of other people ? Won't it be very difficult if everybody critisizes you ?
What does actually controling the ego mean ? Please make this clear....

REPLY: When you experience your own True Identity it is a very humble state of mind to realize that every breath is a gift from God and that this life is sacred. Experience your own divinity and the sacredness of life. Humility is not an act. It is a simple state of gratitude to the Creator at every moment. Tune in and forget about yourself. Your degree of happiness is exactly inversely proportional to how much you think about your own predicament in life. Just relax and serve others. God will take care of you.

Greed I can still try..
If I overcome all these and am engrossed in Love of God then what will happen ?

REPLY: Try it and find out for yourself. It cannot be communicated in words.

If reading of paath takes us closer to god...then how...because most of us don't understand the meaning of what we recite...
I have studied translations of Nitnem and am still able to understand VERY VERY LESS of the paath I do....
If I can't understand then what good is that doing us..
just reciting JapJi or Jap sahib without even knowing why you are reading it....
and what you are reading ?

REPLY: Our Guru is a Shabd Guru. It is a sound current. By creating the sound current, you are immersing yourself in the sound current just as our Gurus spoke it. The vibratory effect of the Gurbani goes beyond the mental understanding of the words. It is a direct effect on your nervous system, your glandular system and your consciousness. "Suniai..." Listen.

How can a person be a good god loving person.
Please answer my question directly...And tell me what I should do please....

REPLY: Go back to question one above and follow the instructions there.


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