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Summary of Question:Hair Function #2
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 10/27/2001 12:46 AM MDT

Ok in reading the previous hair function post. An intriguing question has came over me.

Must girls keep hair on their legs?

From what I have intrepreted from the Guruji's is that Sikhs should keep their hair to have a distinct form from Hindu's and Muslims. Distinct could mean many things, but I think that Sikhs should keep their head and facial hair. If a girl keeps her leg hair or shaves it would not make her more distinct from other religions. No one is going to recognize that body part of hair, they will just see her long head hair and say "She must be a sikh." I dont believe they will say that if she has her leg hair or it is shaved. Most of the time they won't be able to see it.

-=Mankir Dhaliwal=-
It is not an matter of what is visible or not visible. It is a matter of the scientific function of the hairs to conduct the electromagnetic field of the body. All the hairs are put there by the One Creator and they serve a function. Just because we do not understand the function, does not mean that they do not perform the function. If those hairs are not needed why do they grow there? And why do they grow back to the exact same length when we shave them off? It is because they are part of your body and they protect you. The One who engineered you knew what He was doing. It is vain to second guess God. Leave the hairs alone. You will be happy when you are older and you do not have flabby, weak legs because you have interfered with the proper flow of energy.


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