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Summary of Question:Response To Response To Response Of Baljit Singh
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/18/2002 5:02 AM MDT

The person wrote:
"hi i would just like to say that the situation we are in is not an ordinary one; sikhs have been hit after 1984 at their core very hard and are lacking in any substance at the moment. by leaving sikhi fragmented round the world problems will occur. we already see many sikh/muslim marriages, much higher numbers of sikhs shunning sikhi and shaving their beards/waxing, we also see many sikhs drinking alcohol,etc. these are all temptations of the west. i do not say we should isolate ourself, i am saying sikhs need to 'regroup' and grow stronger before spreading out into the world again.

a large wound will not heal on it's own like a small one, it needs to be nurtured, the body given rest and attention before the body is fit and well again."

Many religions have gone through war, etc. the holocuast (jews) is a major that comes to mind. There is nothing wrong with muslims so we should not focus on this fact. No-one is forcing people to get married against their will to muslims. "Sikhs" shaving and drinking is a world-wide problem...this existed in the guru's time and still exists in Punjab and all over the world today.
Yes, these are temptations of the west but only the strongest the people that resist these temptations will be much stronger as a person. You cannot hide at home all day, youy have to go out in the real world and this is what is happening in the real world.
No offence, but you make it sound like a mission, to convert everyone to sikhi. That is not the point of sikhi. It is to be a good person an to help others no matter what their religion. I noticed that quite a lot of money went out from gurudwara's in England to help the earthquake victims of gujrat. I just hope and pray to God that people will do the same if the earthwuake happened in Singapore or one of the middle-east countries (where mostly muslims live). I for one am trying to learn to treat other people as i would do my own brother,sister but it is hard. Guru Nanak was spreading the message of peace and harmony and One God and helping each other. Everyone should try to do this as well.

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