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Summary of Question:Jesus And Gurus
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/16/2002 5:55 PM MST

HI!! i was telling a classmate about sikhism and the first question she asked was if we believe in Jesus? I told her that sikhism didn't we know about christianity at the time our religion was forming. Then she asked if we believe in Jesus now. I told her it depends on the indvidual. Was i right??

Also- how can i tell my classmate that the gurus were not just like any odinairy person. They were not really sons of god, right?

This is a very good question.

The way I explain it is that as Sikhs we believe that Jesus was a great spiritual leader, as was Buddha, Mohammed, and many other enlightened men and women and children in history. God has given us these "special" people at various times in history and in various countries and cultures because people of the times needed those people to help the. We believe that God would not have given us all of those spiritual leaders if He wanted us to follow only one person. We believe that all religions and paths are equally valid and important...all leading to the One Creator.

As far as the Gurus - we believe that they were also enlightened messangers from God. It started with Guru Nanak and that consciousness was passed from one Guru to the next, until that Consciousness was placed in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. We don't believe that those scriptures are just a book, but a manifestation of that living consciousness. Therefore, when we go to the Guru, we experience the living Guru in those words and vibration.

I hope this answers your questions. GTKK

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