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Summary of Question:Confusion On Meat
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 9/21/2002 8:19 PM MDT


yo i am very confused

my dad and cousin brother say that meat is alright to ewat in sikhi but the rest of the world is telling me that meat is not alright at this point i do not eat meat but i dont know anymore if i should or shouldnt i herd guru goboind singh ji used to get his singhs to kill lions everyday so that his singhs could get stronger and other singhs could get dileri by watching them.
my cousins told me a story about guru nanak dev ji i tell u the story
there was a hunter and he hunted and stuff he had a dead dear with him that he hunted
so he wanted to matha tek to a saint but these people were like gett out of here u've killed a animal so the hunter was like i want to matha tek
to a saint he saw guru nanak dev ji he was going to matha tek but he had no money so then he thought i'll give the saint my dear and he did so. guru nanak dev ji accepted the dear and then they both went on to cook up the dead dear

also my cousin is sayign that the hindu's have an influnce on sikhi like the meat and ardas my cousin said u can do ardas anytime there is no set time for ardas

i am so confused and im in the makings of being a gursikh i kept my kes took me a year to now im stuk in the middle of this erra

i jus wanted hear your opinion if u can or tell me something to get out of this confusion

gur fateh

ur'z truley k singh
Khalsa ji,

I would highly reccommend that you start developing your self through the practice of your nitnem. Start reading from Siri Guru Granth Sahib and develop your own understanding of the Guru's teaching. It is very confusing to be listening to so much talk talk talk talk.

Guru is given to us to develop our own intuition and understanding. Get yourself the 8 volume (Manmahan Singh' translation) SGGS. Take a hukam from it every day. Do a Sehej Path in English so you get the full experience of your Guru.

If you cannot find the 8 volume SGGS, then you can down load "Jap Ji" from Sikhnet. Read one pauri EVERY day for 40 days (in English) Try to understand what Guru is teaching you.

God and your God consiousness is WITHIN you. You have all God's wisdom in you. Start developing your God consiousness and all your confusion will leave you.

Also, "ardas" means prayer. You can pray anytime of day or night. This is what this human body is given to us for, to be aware of our source, our power, God consiousness. This is an unlimited well of wisdom inside of you. Now you have to learn how to access it. This process is the Rehit Marayada.

God bless you,

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