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Summary of Question:Re: Meaning Of The Kara And Type Of Metal Used
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 9/15/2001 11:39 PM MDT

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh

My apologies for interjecting on the comments made by the moderator.

Guru Gobind Singh's specific command to us was to wear a Sarabloh (all iron) kara ONLY. Gold and other metals are NOT permitted.

The allergies that people have are due to Nickel in the STEEL (which is an alloy of iron) kara. The solution for this is to wear a SARABLOH kara only.

Our 7 year old daughter suffered from severe rashes wherever the steel kara touched her skin. Since we have changed to the ORIGINAL Sarabloh kara, there are no rashes. A caucasian family of three in NORWAY had similar problems of rashes and allergies which have all been resolved since they have started using SARABLOH karas.

Anyone needing such karas and not finding them locally is welcome to e mail me at the address below (with their wrist circumference and closed fist circumference) and I undertake to send you as many as you want anywhere in the world without any charges.


hargurmit singh

[email protected]

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