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Summary of Question:Geting Made Fun Of
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/03/2002 4:53 PM MDT

gur fateh

today i got made fun bye a groupe of white people they said that i look like a girl(dont have dari yet it hasent came in yet i have baby face) they said " look at that girl or boy or whatever it is"

also later on in september some guys said that "holy crap man how long is ur hair dude its like u have a goose egg on ur head"

today i couldnt even attend my classes properly i was so insulted it hurts when u get called names like that and sometimes i wonder why i dont break there necks instead doing what i usauly do(ignore them)

its like people pick on my kes once a month and im not telling no teachers that aint my style

also im afraid of wearing a pagri now im afraid of getting laughed at just becuase i look diffrent i hate getting made fun of for no reason

what did i ever do to these people

just asked if u can give me any advice on this topic

unhappy singh and feeling really down also plz dont putt this on the front page of this site i dont want anybody laughing at me


My dear brother:

SO what you tell me is that you have good features...strong cheekbones and good eyes...dont worry you will become a goodlooking man and then who will have the last laugh.

and you are right that it is better to not tell them off...remember the story about the ugly duckling who was laughed at and turned out to be the beautiful swan...they do not understand...but YOU are a KHALSA...a Proud sikh and instead I ask you it is now time to start looking like a man and not a boy...become Proud take the situation into your hands and start tying a turban...then no one will can that a goose egg on your head...and you can start to take your place amongst the circle of young men. Just so you know I too was picked on...first i would fight them..them i realized i only needed to become a man and start wearing a people still say things...of course but you know what I KNOW WHY I wear the turban...thatg is my relationship between me and my guru...He told me it is the sign of royalty and so I am going to behave royal and not let non-royal get to me.

You know people tease other people because they have no self esteem can tease them back or you can live up to your destiny and laugh at them. remember when it seems not to get to you people just stop doing it.

good luck and I hope you will start to live to your royal image. IF it gets worse remember we are here. we can help. Maybe even get you inofrmation to help educate such people.

Your Brother


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