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Summary of Question:Meditation -Sudarshan Chakra Kriya
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/15/2002 6:10 PM MST

I have several specific questions regarding the sudarshan chakra kriya that I was told to do last time i wrote in.

1- How hard are you supposed to pump your stomach? Sometimes when I do this I get a cramp.

2- This is my most importent question. The first time I did it I saw this brief 'waviness'. My vison just went wavy for a moment. What was this and why did it happen? What does it mean?

3- I was told that when I was finished I should take a hukam from Jap Ji. do I take a hukam from Jap Ji and not the whole SGGS ??

Thank you very much for your time as well as the kind response last time. It really meant a lot to me.
Dear one,
1. Make sure that you do this meditation at least when your stomach is not full of food. Usually a stomach cramp means you have not yet digested your food. Wait a little longer after eating or pump more gently!

2. Your vision should be with your eyes focused on the tip of your nose. This does put a pressure on your optic nerve which can cause some wavyness.

3. If you have access to a Siri Guru Granth Sahib, then take a hukam from the Guru. The reason I specified taking a hukam from Japji Sahib is so you could easily have a reading from the Guru that you could also translate into English for your comprehension. By all means, take the hukam from the SGGS if you can.

Taking a hukam from Jap ji, simply means opening up the nitnem and where your eyes fall, you read that Pauri as your hukam. Guru Nanak really does tell every thing in Jap Ji Sahib. It is great to master and understand Jap Ji.

God bless you, SKKK

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Meditation -Sudarshan Chakra Kriya (12/15/2002)
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