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Summary of Question:One Minute Breath
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 2/06/2007 12:47 PM MST


I have read about the one minute breath and what to, do you use your fingers to help with your breathing and what does the third centre of the eye mean, can you please explain this to me. Also What is a hukam or a nitnem? I would appreciate your help.


(REPLY) Sat Nam. (That means "Truth is your identity" it is a "seed sound" or Bij Mantra, used to remind us that we are divine beings temporarily functioning through human forms.) One minute breath is done by inhaling through both nostrils for 20 seconds, suspending the breath (holding it in) for 20 seconds and exhaling for 20 seconds. Most people cannot do this for the prescribed time when they first begin, so you can start with smaller time segments, keeping the ratio the same. Yogic breathing practices such as this are called "pranayam." A hukam is the "order" given by the Guru (Siri Guru Granth Sahib" as read from the SGGS by someone after meditatively asking for guidance. A Nitnem is a book of daily prayers that Sikhs recite daily. For more information I suggest you go to the Home Page of SikhNet to learn about Sikh Dharma. You may also be interested to go to to find out more about Kundalini Yoga, the yoga of Awareness that utilizes pranayam, exercises, and chanting (mantra). SP

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One Minute Breath (02/06/2007)
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