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Summary of Question:I Feel Like A Hypocrite..
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/28/2002 12:31 AM MDT

First of all let me say I really admire you for keeping Amrit also to say your a great inspiration to others like me dealing with questions and issues on this forum. I don't know if I'm ready to take the step, What I mean is I'm always telling others about how great Sikhism is but, I feel like a hypocrite because I myself haven't taken Amrit. What is holding me back is what others might think? or how they might react to it. And if I just do it would I be able to keep it? I'm also concerned about not being able to get a job. what might you sagest I might do that will give me enough confidence to do it?

(REPLY) As valuable and powerful and beautiful it is to take Amrit, I usually discourage anyone from taking it unless and until they are ready to commit to living as Khalsa. Who cares what anyone else think about your taking Amrit? A person doesn't take Amrit to impress anyone else, but rather to establish a powerful connection with Guru. When you receive the gift of Amrit, Guru Gobind Singh becomes your father, and Mata Sahib Kaur becomes your mother, and you will have a strength and a courage that you never had before. However, unless you are sincerely ready to offer your head to the Guru, just keep doing the best you can as you are. If you are worried about getting a job, I presume you're concerned about wearing a turban? Well, faith moves mountains, otherwise even stones are heavy for a man! You have to decide this question for yourself. I don't think you are a hypocrite, you just haven't taken the next step in your spiritual development. Why don't you try living your life as if you have already taken the Amrit, and see what happens. May God bless you, and Guru guide you. SP

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