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Summary of Question:Faith In God
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/26/2002 6:22 PM MST

Wahe Guru Ji Kalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

I've searched for an answer to my question but haven't had much luck.
I'm sure you will be able to point me in the right direction.
I have a lot of faith in God but I haven't been doing much path lately, I do try but can't concentrate as I have a number of issues playing on mind. Yet at the same time I do Simran when something is troubling me, this helps me block out negative thoughts.
My query is a strange one, this may sound silly but I need to tell someone who will not look at me as if some sort of wierdo. As I mentioned earlier I have a lot of faith in God, I mean that literally. I always tell myself that if I keep my faith in God and believe in God my wishes will come true eventually or either God will find something better for me. I always tell this to my close ones too. I will be 24 years old soon, and have recently started to realise that there a "number" of things I have had feelings/thoughts about that have actually come true., I can remember things going back to atleast 10 years. I have said some strange things which at time someone has told me to stop being silly or either just ignored me. (Please bare in mind I don't mean "every" little thing) It's almost as if my gut instincts seem to be right 99% of the time. And the times I have gone against them I have very much regretted the descion I have made) I have even asked some of my family members if they can recall me saying something that has later come true. They can also remember things I have said...... I very often hear them say "I wish I listend to you".

I have had a strange feeling for a guy that I met 2 years ago, although for some strange reason I had a very short relationship with his cousin which didn't work out, the whole time I was with his cousin I knew I made a mistake... I was right! So I told this guy about how I felt, his reply was I'm flattered, I would like to but I can't. Apparently according to him "people will talk", which I understand but the only person he sould be worried about is God. Anyway, I saw this guy (the one that I have strange feeling for) a couple of days before xmas in year 2000, then didn't see him for a while... then coincidently I saw him again a couple of days before xmas in 2001 (in a different place) and after second meeting I thought how strange I wonder if I'll see him again next year around the same time (deep down I felt I would). Then this year just a couple of days before xmas I thought I would see him on Saturday BUT I didn't, and told myself I was just imagining things, so the next day which was a Sunday (I go the Gurdwara every Sunday about 12pm without fail, & that guy is NEVER there) Anyway this time round I had to be somewhere for 11.30am so I went at 11.00am instead and only stayed for 10 minutes. I did my matha tekh and asked God to help me change that guys mind, a few minutes after I sat down I couldn't believe my eyes... he was there!!!!!! I kept thinking Oh My God... things do come in 3's afterall. The weird thing was he hardly goes to the Gurdwara, and I VERY rarely if ever go at that particular time. I also checked the Hukamnama for that day... the hukam was also a good one.
At the end of the day I know my destiny is written, but things like this keep making me wonder. Not sure if I'm imagining things. I would be very grateful for opinion. Even at the times I have completely given up hope on him, my faith in God keeps telling me that he will change his mind - one day.

Keep up the good work, take care guys. & thank you for your time.

(REPLY) Sometimes our "feelings" about things can be an intuitive awareness, sometimes it's wishful thinking. Faith is very powerful, but there's an old saying, "be careful what you wish {pray} for, because you're liable to get it." Best to wish and pray to fulfill your destiny as God wills, and then see what happens. I can't tell you whether your "feelings" about things that may happen are your intuition or not, no one but you can answer that. I wish you the best! Blessings.

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