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Summary of Question:Is Sggs Unaltered? +
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/01/2002 2:12 AM MDT

Hello, I was wondering a couple of things.

1) what is the easiest way for me to learn punjabi? i know bits and pieces but not enough to talk in conversation.

2) I have heard that sikhism is the only major religon to still have the original version of it's holy book ( guru granith sahib), is that true?

3) I know that men are supposed to wear turbans but do women have to as well? I think so and I have seen the wifes of ganee ji's at the gudwara wear them, what do you think?

Sat Siri Akaal.
1. The best way to learn Punjabi is to get a native Punjabi speaker to teach you and practice with you. Or get yourself to Punjab and study there. Immerse yourself!
2. Not quite accurate. To our knowledge, Siri Guru Granth Sahib is the only holy scripture to remain unedited and unaltered. No one has adapted the translation or revised the bani or inconsistencies in word spellings or ANYTHING. It is the bani as first arranged/compiled by Guru Arjan into what was then called the Adi Granth. Then Guru Gobind Singh had to restore SGGS (he did this by reciting it and having Bhai Mani Singh write as he recited) and 10th Guru added bani of the 9th Guru/his father. But still it remained/remains unaltered from the original Adi Granth.
3. When Guru Gobind Singh gave the rehit that first Baisakhi day, do you suppose he gave it only to the men? Since he told us to keep our hair unshorn and to cover it with a wrapped turban, it stands to reason that this went for women as well as men!
Guru rakha,

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