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Summary of Question:Listening To Shabad And After Having Dirty Thoughts
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/11/2002 2:14 PM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fatteh

im a 14 male i have a jura and i listen to shabad atleast once a day or every other day

and every time im done listening to shabad i get the nasty dirty thoguhts and i try to get them out but the stik they go for a couple of minutes then come bak

so the question iam asking is

am i crazy? or disrespectng the guru in anway ??

plz anser my question
and sorry 4 asking all these questions

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Why should you be worry 4 asking questions? First of all you are not disrespecting anything! You are trying to understand where thoughts come from. Everybody has stuff buried in their subconsciousn mind! What is happening is that the Gurbani goes into your subconscious to clear out and clean out those thoughts that prevent you from experiencing your soul. It's like when you go down into the basement of the house to clean out the dirt that has been there for many years, and you take the broom and the mop and you're cleaning, but while cleaning, you stir up a lot of dust! So your "dirty" thoughts are the dust that is being kicked up. My suggestion is that you need MORE Gurbani, and more meditation, and even more than that, when the "dirty" thoughts come to the surface, that's the time for you to chant 'WAHE GURU" or "SAT NAM" outloud for about 11 minutes. Just ignore the thoughts, don't worry about them, and concentrate on the mantra. The higher vibration of the mantra will dissolve those thoughts and they will go away so long as you don't pay attention to them. This process of cleaning and clearing out the subconscious may go on for many years, that's the reason for daily meditation, and the reason for reading the banis every day, to keep putting the higher vibrations into your "basement" subconscious." Also, remember tape recording? Well, when you want to record something, but it's already got something on the tape that you don't want to save, you simply record over it! That's what you're doing when you chant! So, don't feel bad, and don't give up. As we say, "Keep up, and you'll be kept up!" blessings, SP

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