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Summary of Question:Why My Existence Is Important?
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/17/2001 2:12 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal Ji, I have recently started reading questions on this forum. I assume you find the answers to our questions in SGGS. I would appreciate if you could help me understand "why my existence is important?" Not specifically me, but any human being. Why do we come to life anyway, what is the purpose of our living. I understand that we go through life and death cycle, but what makes us come to this cycle in first place. Do we come on earth for a specific task or there is not particular reason. I would realy appreciate your input.

Note: By reading your questions, I can proudly answer all my friends questions on sikhism, which makes me even prouder Sikh.
Thanks once again.

Yes, Guru Granth Sahib contains the answers. When you need to know, that is the time to bow, ask the question of Guru Ji and receive the Guru's hukum.

Our existence is important because each soul is one with God and we have work to do before we can leave these physical bodies behind us and return Home. This planet is the place of work. It is the only place we can pay our karmas with grace. It is like a hotel. We check in for a few days but then we check out. It is not our home. Pay attention to the lessons of your life and learn what you must do to pay your karmic debts and go Home with grace and honor.


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Why My Existence Is Important? (04/17/2001)
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