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Summary of Question:Re: Why Don't Girls Like Boys With Turbanes And Beards Guys?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 9/30/2001 8:25 AM MDT


This is just my view on the question that someone posted..cannot figure out how to reply properly but hope this works...
anyways I agree with the fact that there are many girls that don't want their "Future Husbands" to not have a turban or a beard..I live in in a foreign country and iam a female in my late teens...and have been brought up as a proper Sikh iam actually very ashamed that girls these days are saying such a things.. when i was much younger i felt this way but now i will be Damn proud to have a husband with turban and who is a full sikh, i admire those SIkh men that are not subject to the new fashion trend of "cutting off the hair" wheneva i visit india ... nearly every Sikh boy i see has cut of their hair and its really sad...
:Advice for DKK ji has already mentioned before...that a girl that prefers men without turban and beard is very superfical..i mean for GOdSakes grow up not everything is about looks...not that iam sayin Sikh men with turbans are bad looking..quite opposite in fact..they give themselves..extra "personality" and respect in my view with a guys out there with turbans...good on u and keep it...not all girls prefer men without turbans ..ok

(hope this gets posted)..
Pls give your views aswellll


It is good for the men to see the view of Sikh women on this matter. But if there is to be extended discussion, please go to Http://

sat siri akaal.

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Re: Why Don't Girls Like Boys With Turbanes And Beards Guys? (09/30/2001)
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