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Summary of Question:Allowing Drunks In My House
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Tuesday, 6/04/2002 3:07 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I was wondering, i have a sanchi of Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in my home, and I won't allow anybody who has had even one drink to enter my home( I live alone). I used to drink before and my friends and brothers still drink, but i have recently taken amrit, and sometimes my friends come over to visit, what is the best way to tell them that they cannot enter inside if they had a drink. it is easy to tell my friends and brothers, but what if someone like my uncle or something stopped by, how do I refuse entry? I live in a basement suite, and the upstairs people cook meat sometimes, and maybe drink. What should i do about that. I really want to keep the sanchi in my house, ( i have one bedroom dedicated to the Guru, where i do do paat,simran etc.) I can keep drunk people out, but can't tell my landlords to stop eating meat etc. thank you for taking the time to look at my question.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

It is difficult to tell people "no." Especially people we respect who are older than us. One thing to do is to find somewhere else to go. If your uncle stops by and he has been drinking, maybe you can say, "Thanks for coming to see me. Wait a minute while I get my coat and let me take you out for a cup of tea." The Guru is gracious and giving and so, as Sikhs, we want to reflect that spirit in our actions to others. Remember that it is your blessing, it is an act of God's grace that you have been inspired to take Amrit. Elevate people with that grace. Try to avoid doing or saying anything that may make them feel inferior.

Another thing you can do is have kirtan at your house one day and invite all your friends/family to come. Send out an invitiation about wanting to celebrate the presence of the Guru in your home-and in the invitation, add a note that says, "Because the Guru lives here, please come with an attitude of respect. Please do not drink before coming and please cover your head." Something like that. Then-they feel included in the choices you've made and inspired to respect the sacred meditative space that you are trying to make in your home.

As for your landlords, do not worry about that. Your home is the physical environment which you command. What people do in their homes won't have a negative impact on the Guru. Keep your space clean, your intentions pure and the Guru will come to live in your home as a steadying, graceful Presence that will bless all those who come. God bless you for taking this step in your life and may God and Guru be with you always.



Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

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