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Summary of Question:Hair
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/27/2002 7:45 PM MDT


I have something to talk about.
I want to talk about hair.My hair is long and i will never cut it.Somebody in my class said that short hair is better because then you could do styles and because she cut her hair.And i know that your not allowed to shave your legs and your arms but she shaved her arms! i think thats a bad idea dont you?
what do you think i should do ?

Thanks for such a great site! please answer soon


One good thing about free will is just that. I suggest that you tell her that you love your long hair as much as she loves her short hair. You are glad that she can do what she wants and that you will do what you want. Tell her that to you long hair is cool.

dont worry about other people as long as you feel comfortable in yourself... they will say things but you know what you like and want to do.


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