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Summary of Question:Day Of Doom?
Date Posted:Friday, 9/06/2002 9:33 AM MDT


First of all, let me congratulate you on this splendid webpage.
I have been wondering about a thing, and I hope that you can answer it. As we know, Sikhs are meant to get out of the reincarnation cycle by meditating on Waheguru's name. If we don't do this, we shall be reincarnated over and over again..but what happens on the day of Doom, when the world will be no more? Then one shall not be able to be reincarnated on earth..where will one go? Thanks a lot.
Sat shri akal

Sat Siri Akaal.
Sikhs do not subscribe to the idea or concept that the 'world will end' or that a 'day of doom' is ever going to occur. What we do believe is that the One Creator--Ek Ong Kaar--who created this world can just as easily un-create it, or dis-establish it. In other words, no one but the Creator has this power. That said, there is nothing in Gurbani that indicates Sikhs must save themselves from such a day of doom. To a Sikh, 'doom' is the cycle of births and deaths that happen from not meditating on the Naam; it is thus a very personal, individual form of doom that can be avoided by practicing meditation and serving others selflessly.

Moreover, gurbani tells us that the Creator and his Creation are one: "Oh Nanak, He is all-in-all." from Japji Sahib, 4th pauri. So we as Beings, as Spirit, are as immortal as the Creator (so long as He wills it!). It is merely the human body that is finite and 'doomed' to die. Study Japji and notice that Guru Nanak told us of the worlds upon worlds that exist (pauri 22)--these are not necessarily PHYSICAL earths! Your perspective is limited to a physical earth, not the universe seen and unseen. So what if the Earth disappears? This doesn't mean that those who inhabit it are gone forever, only their physical forms are gone, not their essence, their Spirit. As for where Spirit goes, that I cannot answer from this earth plane!
Guru angsang,

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