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Summary of Question:Whats Going On?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 6/06/2003 2:42 PM MDT

I have not been on sikh net for a while, one of the reasons being that iv had loads of uni work to do and the other is that im kinda tried of the same acusations, the same judgements and one way of thinking.

No offence to anyone, this site is great as it allows people to express their views and get decent responses.

However iv been reading some of the questions and responses on the site and people are spending so much time judging each other.

We live in a world where we are judged every day by so many different people.its hard enough being asain and ever1 judging u or relating u to terrorism without sikhs turning on eachother.

Everyone is talking about what a true sikh is, but the truth is i dont know and probably will never have the opportunity to know a true sikh. As a true sikh would be the most decent, loving, kind and NON-JUDGEMENTAL, person on earth, isnt that right, a person who loves all.

We all have different perceptions of what a sikh should be. Most people concentrate on the physical aspects of sikhi and leave it at that. But the Guruji's tried to teach us the importance of the sprital side for a reason.

I havent had amrit, but consider my self to be a sikh. However i go to Guruji's house and the amritdaari people turn their nose up at me when i walk aroud the maraje ke bhed and do matha to all 4 sides of the guru granth sahib, as though i dont have the right to do matha like that as where i live hardly anyone who hasnt taken amrit does.

i try not to judge people as we all come from different backgrounds, have different understandings and experiances. sometimes its difficult but atleast i try.

We cant expect people to be the same, if thats the way it was supposed to be Akaal Purkh ji would not have made the world this way

all im saying is instead of telling people there wrong because they cut their hair, why dont u look deeper inside urself and ask - who gave me the right to make that judegment

The truth is by judging people u turn them away from sikhi, u go against the fundemental principles. non amritdaari people dont want to hear that there screwed up - they wanna know the good points of sikhi. We dont wanna b told what we can and cannot do but be taught the reasons why we should do them

having strong accusations pushed on us makes the situation a lot worse

were all gods children some of us just get lost along the way

God bless


Thank you. Read them again. Others are also saying what you are. GTKK

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