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Summary of Question:Sikh Teaching Methods
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 7/20/2001 11:34 AM MDT

dear Guru ji,

at my school, we have a majority of sikhs. But the problem is that most of these Sikhs disrespect the entire religion when they walk around with cigarettes and alcohol and then sayin how truly sikh they are.
i know it is their choice, but i want to show the younger children what Sikhi really means and how deep and rich our religion is.
me and a few friends decided to begin a Sikh Society, where all the sikhs interested can come and have debates, do paat, etc.
I wanted to know what effective methods there are to send our message across.
I was planning on getting some romaal's for the clean shaven sikhs among the community and gettin someone from the local gurdwara or community to give speaches and talks at our meetings. but i have been told not to do this as it is not necessary.
I know it might be a silly question, but i have this feeling inside me that i want 2 show the younger generation what we are about, not what we have become if u get me.

please reply

Harminder Singh


Harminder Singh, Sat Nam.

The best thing to do is teach through your example. Be the best Sikh you can, with humor and humility. I'm not talking about being a fanatic or going around preaching to people. Win people with kindness and devotion. Also, hold discussion groups. Have a speaker on a particular topc about Sikhism, followed by a discussion and questions. People need to experience the teaching for themselves. Have friendly competitions, like people who commit to reading Japji every day for 40-days straight. They can even get together in pairs or groups to read together. But, make it fun and inspiring. At the end of the 40 days, have a "We did it" party. And have people share what changes they experienced during the 40-days, like, "I really wanted to give up, but I kept up instead...I feel clearer in my head...I was able to make better decisions...something has shifted for me in my life...I'm proud of myself that I could keep up"...etc., etc. Sikh Dharma is about experience. We don't believe in rituals just for the sake
of rituals. Everything has a practical purpose and takes us to the Guru. Good luck and have fun uplifting yourself and others. GTKK

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