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Summary of Question:Is It Ok To Eat Egg
Date Posted:Friday, 4/20/2001 9:55 AM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sardar Ji, I have a question. Is it OK for a Sikh to eat eggs? It is hard to avoid because they are in almost every bakery product. What are the benefits of eating and not eating eggs? In what way it affects our health? Both positive and negatively. Almost everything has two sides, good and bad. I am very confused. I see the commercial on the TV where at the end a fat man says, "California fresh eggs". According to the commercial it is beneficial to eat eggs. Eggs are good for health. I know a lot of Amritdhari Sikhs who don't eat eggs. But they can't tell why they don't eat. They just say it is a kuraht to eat. But why? If eggs provide our health with protein and many other things, why a Sikh is not allowed to eat? Or I am wrong. Probably a Sikh can eat eggs. I am very confused. Could you please satisfy me with your responses to the above mentioned confusing questions. Thank you very much Sardar Ji.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
The marketing practices of the food industry have nothing to do with our Sikh practices.

Eggs are normally not eaten because they are animal. We cannot consume animals and take on the animal consciousness.

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Is It Ok To Eat Egg (04/20/2001)
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