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Summary of Question:Should We Tell Our Parents About Our Relationship?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 11/02/2001 6:57 PM MDT

Hi, I am a Sikh and in need of help

I have been going out with this girl for almost a year now and i am 16 and my girlfriend is 17 ... now our parents do not know we are going out .. we are not doing anything bad... but I don't know if our sikh parents will understand us... now do you think we should tell them now or wait a few years and then tell them ....


Sat Siri Akaal. The sooner you tell them, the sooner you can deal with their reaction. The longer you withhold this information, it becomes a form of a lie to both sets of parents. You become more attached to each other, and if either parents say NO WAY to this then you are dug in deeper than you already are.

Be aware that at 16 and 17, we are not in the best position maturity-wise and wisdom-wise to know if you are each REALLY the one for the other. You may think so, but if college, for example, is part of your plans, the changes that come from that experience may pull you two apart. Keep this in mind. I am not questioning your feelings for each other now. I am suggesting that what works at 16/17 doesn't work at 24/25. Those intervening years are so formative.

Good luck. Guru rakha,

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Should We Tell Our Parents About Our Relationship? (11/02/2001)
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