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Summary of Question:Taking Amrit Without Your Spouse
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/14/2002 9:23 PM MDT

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh

I just wanted to say, I love this site! I visit it almost everyday!! Your doing a wonderful job, keep it up!!

I had a couple of little question that was answered before but I still don't understand.

A day after this Vaisakhi, my father wanted to take amrit. He went to the Gurdwara all prepaired. When they started giving amrit they told him he could not take amrit because his wife wasn't there to take it with him. He was kind of turned down for the 2nd time now. I just wanted to know why you cant take amirt without your husband or wife taking it with you. I know that it has to do with married people are one soul, and this one soul must take a spiritual journey together.

I totally understand this, but when someone wants to take amrit, aren't they doing it for themself?

Does it say you can't take amrit in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib without your spouse taking it with you?.

This was a Gurdwara in Canada, is it like this in every Gurdwara around the world? Because I know of some people who took amrit in India and the UK and had no problem with their spouse not taking it.

Also, when Guru Gobind Singh Jee started giving amrit to those who wanted to take it, did he only give it to couples who wanted to take it together? and say 'no' to those who's parters didn't want to take it? Because for some reason I don't think he would have said that.

Im sorry if this question has been asked before but I really want to know the answer to these questions. Thank you so much!

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh


Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Remember-spiritual truth may be held in the lap of tradition, but sometimes tradition actually blocks spiritual truth-so one must always take tradition with a grain of salt and, as you have done, assess the situation neutrally.

There is absolutely no reason why someone who is married should be denied Amrit because his or her spouse has not yet or is not currently ready to make that commitment. This may be the tradition of a certain group of people, but is not the standard for someone walking on the Sikh Path. When someone takes Amrit, it is because Guru has blessed that soul to come forward and make the commitment, and no person has the right to deny the soul what the Guru is commanding.

Encourage your father to find another Gurdwara or another place where he can surrender himself to the Guru and take Amrit. As well-meaning as the people are at the Gurdwara he is currently attending, what they are practicing shows an incomplete understanding. You have seen the truth very correctly.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.



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